Mobile display

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  • #2560

    My table of players doesn’t display correctly on a mobile. It’s too wide for the page. Looking at

    Running Word Press 4.0.1 and Plugin is 3.1.2


      That’s correct. I test the player bios and galleries on small screens and they do pretty well. IMO, tables are meant to display a lot of information and it doesn’t make sense to put that info in a LONG list. There are however some options. Read more about them on

      I am re-writing Team Rosters right now, and my opinion is subject to change, so let me know what you think.


      BTW, your site is looking good.


      That is a quandary about tables and mobile and amount of info. However, my table does actually show all the info on the page pretty well. It would be more accurate of me to say the table messes up the page rather than the table is “too wide for the page”.

      Viewing on a Samsung Galaxy 4 using Chrome.


        Sorry, I’m not following you. Your page looks great. When I view it (in Chrome) with a Galaxy S4 emulation, it’s not too bad at all. I just don’t see all the columns, but I can scroll, or just click a name and see the player’s profile, which looks good too. There’s something going on with your theme on that page, but anyway, I don’t see where “the table messes up the page”, or understand what that means. Can you send me a sample (link or screenshot) that’s “messed up”? That would help.



        Ok, it does load to the normal page width, and shows about three columns, but then I can multitouch zoom out and it’s off. Emailing screenshot.


          Okay, thanks for the screenshot. Now I see what you mean. Try added the following rule to your theme’s stylesheet:

          div.entry_fullwidthpage {
          overflow: scroll; //or overflow: hidden you're call

          There’s actually a number of places you could put this rule, but I think you’ll get the idea.

          Let me know.

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