Error during Update Games


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  • #5175

      Testing Bracket Builder Premium

      Made a fresh install of WP.
      Downloaded MSTW League Manager
      Imported teams from MSTW S&S

      Built a 4-team tournament.

      When I attempt to Update Games, I get an error
      wp-content/plugins/mstw-bracket-builder-premium/includes/mstw-bb-bracket-builder-class.php on line 1592

      The date for the second game gets changed to 1970-01-01 and scores for both Team A and Team B (first game) get score of 2 automatically added?

      Any ideas where to check?


        Hi AJ,
        First, thanks for the screenshots, that never hurts.

        That’s strange. I can’t reproduce it on either of my boxes. Did you use a league to select the teams for your tournament? Single or double elim? Consolation game?

        I’d start here:

        1. Create a new tournament with different teams. A small 4-team tournament is fine.

        If you encounter the same error, let me know and:

        2. Activate debug mode on your site ( so notices, errors, and warnings will be saved to the debug.log file.

        3. I’ll send you some diagnostic code that should tell us what’s up.



          The issue has been identified. I had not configured a venue and without this data the ‘Game Update’ menu would not work correctly.

          I added one venue and now everything works correctly.


            This is a bug. Venues should not be required. You should be able to add venues by the text fields or not at all. So I’ve added it to “the list” for the next release.

            Thanks for finding this and your help identifying the problem.


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