Update records issue

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  • #5693

      When I update records, they seem to be written to the table. However, subsequent LOAD TABLE functions do not read in the values.


        I don’t know what the LOAD TABLE functions are??


            Okay, that image helps a lot. Thanks.

            If I have this right, you edit/update some records and save the changes. Then you go back into the Update Records screen, try to load the records (with changes) and nothing (?) loads. Is that right?

            If so, I’m not seeing this behavior on my boxes.
            o Do you have the LM Add-ons installed? If so, in the Setting screen for your Bocce league, is “Auto Fill Standings” unchecked?
            o Try changing to a different league & season, loading the table, then going back to the league you want and re-loading the table.
            o If none of that works, let’s go back to basics:
            – Versions of WordPress & PhP
            – Versions of MSTW League Manager and LM Add-ons
            – Do you have DEBUG turned on? If so, are there any messages in error.log file?

            Let me know.



              Hey Mark,

              Thanks for getting back.

              1. as you have surmised, yes. I can input info into records, save them “update records” and the display shows the info I have updated.
              2. I load the table and nothing shows
              3. I have LM addons and do NOT have auto fill standings checked.
              4. It turns out that I do that regularly. Half of the league is in on group and the other half in the other. So i am regularly switching leagues. behavior starting on both leagues.
              5. WP 5.11, php 7.1, mwtw LM 2.5, add-ons 2.2
              6. Debug is on. No errors that seem to relate.


                Hey Jay,
                Thanks for posting here. The first problem I see is that you are using an old version of the LM add-ons. I will send you a new link. Let’s see if that helps.

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