Scoreboard with Bracket Builder

Shoal Summit Solutions Forums MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards Plugin Scoreboard with Bracket Builder

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  • #6320

    Will the schedule and scoreboards plugin transfer information over to the bracket builder plugin? Just curious if all the data I have entered can easily be used for the brackets and if it will automatically bring over the scores entered on Scorebaords plugin.


    Greg Elrod


      Hi Greg,
      Sorry, the legacy data structures in S&S are not supported in MSTW Bracket Builder (or MSTW League Manager). I think we may have discussed the fact that while S&S is still supported, it has become ‘legacy’ in favor or MSTW League Manager (but it’s worth repeating for other users.)

      MSTW BB and MSTW LM use the same teams database structures. So Teams and Locations are interchangeable between BB and LM, however Games are not because in MSTW Bracket Builder future games do not have assigned home and away teams, only pointers to the ‘feeder games’ from the preceding rounds.

      It might be relatively simple to export the MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards teams to a CSV file using MSTW CSV Exporter then modify the resulting CSV file so that it can be imported by MSTW League Manager, but that has not been tested. Depending on the size of your teams database, that may or may not be worth the effort.


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