Team Schedules

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  • #6418
    Kevin Hemphill

      Good morning,

      I am working on testing out the various shortcodes from the dev site on the site I’m building. When I attempt to use the shortcodes for team schedules mentioned at, I am getting an error saying “No games found for [insert team slug here]” I’ve tested multiple teams and verified the slugs each time and I still cannot get it to post. I’ve also verified the leagues as well to no avail. Any ideas what could be happening?


      Kevin Hemphill

        I’m also having trouble with the sliders and tickers showing blank when I try to use those shortcodes.


          Hey Kevin,
          Hummm, I’m not sure.

          If you look at they all appear to be working.

          Maybe first reset your permalinks.

          What shortcode are you using? (I believe there are at least two for team schedules.) If the shortcode is part of the basic (free) MSTW League Manager plugin (most of them are), try disabling the MSTW LM Add-ons plugin.

          Recheck your shortcode args. There are examples on the above site. It’s certainly good to check the team shortcodes, but a number of other things can cause this problem. The issue is that no games are found for the team and the given season(s).


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