Standings table and Auto-Fill Standings

Shoal Summit Solutions Forums MSTW League Manager Plugin (& Add-ons) Standings table and Auto-Fill Standings

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  • #7333

    Hi Mark,

    I have an 8U league configured with 12 teams.

    spring-2024 season has 6 teams from this 8U league
    fall-2024 season has all 12 teams from this 8U league

    I want to display a standing s table with only the results of the spring-2024 season with 6 teams. All works as I would expect except the standings table displays all 12 teams when I have the auto-fill standing checked on the league manager setting page.

    If I uncheck the auto-fill standings, then only the 6 spring teams display in the standings table as needed.

    It seems the standing table shortcode does not respect the season when the auto-fill standings is checked.

    [mstw_league_standings league="8U-pee-wee-division" season=spring-2024]

    The above shortcode displays all 12 teams when the auto-fill standings setting is checked.
    The above shortcode correctly displays only the 6 spring-2024 teams when the auto-fill standings setting is un-checked.



      Hi Tom,
      Thank you for posting here and thanks for the screenshots (via e-mail … you can add these to this post).

      So here’s the question: when you de-activated “Auto-fill Standings” where did the records come from for the six teams that are displayed in the standings? Six teams got their records from somewhere and six teams (that hadn’t played games) didn’t.

      My guess is that you have entered records for the six teams that played games (why?) but not for the six teams that didn’t play games.



      Hi Mark,


      Yes, you’re correct, the six teams which show the standings played their spring-2024 season games and have scores entered since the spring season has ended. The rankings were calculated perfectly with the auto-fill standings selected.

      In preparation for the fall-2024 season, I then generated the fall game schedule but the games have not yet been played so there are no scores to enter for the fall. The shortcode for the standings table has season= spring-2024, yet since generating the fall game schedule, all 12 league teams now show in the standings table. These additional teams in the spring standings table are associated with the fall game schedule that was generated, but only when I have the auto fill selected. When I uncheck autofill only the 6 spring teams show in the Spring standings table as expected.

      I have many leagues and teams so want to keep the auto-fill standing checked so the rankings are automatically updated when scores are entered (this is a great feature BTW).

      I’m sure I’m missing something here…just cant figure it out ???


        IDK. I’ve never seen a case where games from one season are displayed with another season’s standings. My guess would be there’s something wrong with your shortcode incantation and/or your database. You have to be careful that the right seasons are associated with the right leagues. And the right settings (which are tied to sports not leagues) are associated to the right sports and the leagues are associated with the right sports.

        I love this because your situation is exactly what LM Add-ons was created for. So we’ll sort it out. Several regional high school sites have been working with many leagues, divisions, sports, etc. without seeing this problem. But they have not been mixing auto-fill standings with no auto-fill.

        As far as your 6 vs 12 issue, it seems to me that the 6 spring teams have records so they appear when you turn off auto-fill. When you turn on auto-fill you are going to see all the teams in the league. We’ve already discussed this, but maybe it’s a hint that will help your de-bugging.


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