Double Elimination Tournament


[[mstw_tourney_bracket tourney=”3-round-double-elem” star_home=†]]

Home teams are indicated by †, as shown in the shortcode. This overrides the default set on the Settings admin screen as well.
Some colors are modified by CSS rules in the mstw-bb-custom-styles.css stylesheet (located in the child theme’s main directory).
Winners are indicated by bold text, which is the default in the plugin stylesheet.

[mstw_tourney_bracket tourney=”3-round-double-elim” star_home=†]

Tournament Schedule Table (or Fixtures Table)

[[mstw_tourney_table tourney=”3-round-double-elem” star_home=†]]

Home teams are not indicated, which is the default set on the Settings admin screen.
Winners are indicated by shading, which is set in the mstw-bb-custom-styles.css stylesheet (located in the child theme’s main directory).

[mstw_tourney_table tourney=”3-round-double-elim” star_home=†]