- The major purpose of this release was to remove the each() construct because it has been removed from PHP 8.0.
- Added ‘-‘ versions of shortcodes. I.E.,
No TOURNAMENT specified in shortcode.
andNo TOURNAMENT specified in shortcode.
both work. - Cleaned up a couple of minor bugs.
- Some improvements to the admin screens.
- Extensive changes to the plugin’s stylesheet to insure brackets layout correctly (in containers with a min-width of 1200px)
- Fixed Bug. Tourney slug now shows correctly On the Tournaments admin screen’s table.
- Fixed Bug. Team Names that have not been entered now display as blank rather than -1.
- Fixed bug. Calls mstw_bb_get_current_post_type instead of mstw_get_current_post_type in mstw_bb_admin (left over from LM).
- Fixed bug (left-over test code) in single-tourney.php template.
- Fixed bug. Call to mstw_safe_ref(), which no longer exists.
- Fixed bugs (typos) with CSS tags.
- Updated Quick Start Screen
- Added more error checking and internationalized strings throughout
- Initial release.