For Cal Bears schedule on [As of 11/16/16.] This link may change during future testing, but the CSS below should still be valid.
/*---------------------------------------------- * Styles for the Cal Bears team schedules *----------------------------------------------*/ table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears thead tr th { background-color: #041E42; /* cal blue */ color: #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ font-weight: bold; border-top: 1px solid #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ border-bottom: 1px solid #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #A2AAAD; /* cal gray */ color: #041E42; /* cal blue */ } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #041E42; /* cal blue */ color: #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tbody tr td { border-top: 1px solid #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ border-bottom: 1px solid #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears a { text-decoration: underline; } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears a:hover { text-decoration: none; } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(odd) a, table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(odd) a:hover, table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(odd) a:visited, table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(odd) a:active { color: #041E42; /* cal blue */ } table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(even) a, table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(even) a:hover, table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(even) a:visited, table.mstw-lm-team-schedule_cal-bears tr:nth-child(even) a:active { color: #FFC72C; /* cal gold */ }