Reply To: Overtime Win/Loss Point Calculation

Patrick Schmidt

    Ah, I get your point, I didnt know. OT-Results must be counted separately so in the database you would probably really need 2 new metrics besides Wins, Losses and Ties. For example in hockey, an overtime win does not show up at wins. Only at OT-Wins. Nor does a 1 point for ties after regular gametime, and a loss after OT show up for ties.

    Game 1: Team A vs. Team B: 5:4 (O.T.)

    In the standings it would look like this:
    Team A  1        2      0        1      0        0       5       4       +1
    Team B  1        1      0        0      0        1       4       5       -1

    So Wins, Losses & Ties do not get a +1, ONLY the new metrics OTW & OTL.
    But to make it even more confsuing, I guess this changes from league to league or country. It might be possible, that in some leagues they say that an OT Win DOES count to regular wins. I think an optional checkbox for the user to decide whether or not he/she wants OT-Wins to be displayed as Wins OR as OT-wins would be the best solution. But for the database, I think you’d have to add these new ones.