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  • #3078

    Hello Mark,

    This my test mage link for testing each module and display,

    My issue is the last one,… mys team rooster display.

    If you look , name and position are side by side without any space between them.
    Is there a way to edit those cells and tables for that roosters plugin please ?

    I sure would love to have separate cells like the coaching staff just above.

    Thanks for yoyr help



      I don’t see a link. (??)



      Sorry Mark, here it is


      thanks for taking time to check and help


        The problem is that whoever wrote your calendar (plugin or part of the theme?) decided to add the following CSS rule with the !important directive.

        .calendar-table table, tbody, tr, td {
            margin: 0 !important;
            padding: 0 !important;

        I cannot tell you how much it annoys me when a developer uses this directive on a basic tag like tr or td. It destroys the entire stylesheet cascade (the “C” in CSS). Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!!! (Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume they just don’t know any better.)

        I might be able to fix this in your table, but I’m not sure if I can or if I should. The right answer is for you to contact the developer of the calendar and ask them to REMOVE THE !IMPORTANT from anything that is not tagged as a ‘calendar element’.



        thanks very very much Mark,

        But after 2 hours looking for that css line in all css , i didnt find it and i gave up, but thanks for the info.

        School will live with plugins limits



          Hi Real,
          Do you know how to use the browser’s inspector? In Chrome, roll over the element in question, right mouse, and select Inspect Element. You will see that the padding is being set by the plugin I described.


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