Font and background color

Shoal Summit Solutions Forums MSTW Team Rosters Plugin Font and background color

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  • #2023

    Went to display settings and changed the font and background color – no changes.

    What am I missing?


      Hummm, this seems to be working on the MSTW Dev site …

      Did you SAVE the changes? (Save button is at the bottom of the (long) page.)

      You mention “the found and background color”, but there are several … for headings, for the title, for even rows, for odd rows … did you set the right one(s)??

      Did you create any custom CSV rules related to these settings? They can override the ‘defaults’ from the Settings screen.

      Also, it would be helpful if you send me a link to the page in question.



      No, I did not set any custom CSV file. here’s the link to my site

      In display settings I changed the color for the following:
      Table Even Row Text Color:
      Table Even Row Background Color:
      Table Odd Row Text Color:

      Let me know


        Okay, upon further review, I don’t like the way I set up the display settings here. The rule I created from the display settings is NOT specific enough, so it works for some themes and not others. I have added this to the list for the next release. In the meantime, try adding the following rules to the plugin’s stylesheet:

        tr td.mstw-tr-odd {
             color: #F00;  /* replace all these with the colors you want */
             background-color: #00F;
        tr td.mstw-tr-even {
             color: #00F;
             background-color: #F00;

        Let me know.


        that worked. Thanks

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