Just Getting Started…

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  • #5238

    Recently downloaded the plugins and I have gathered a lot of data. Before I dive in and enter data, I was wanting to know if any of you might know the best way to get started with adding High School teams that are separated by State, Sport, Gender, Varsity, JV, Classes & Regions.

    In one state I have 5 Classes with 5 to 7 Regions in each class. In another state I have the same structure.

    So each class offers the whole spectrum of sports. Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Football, Soccer, Golf, etc…

    Mens Varsity & JV
    Womens Varsity & JV

    Just wanted to get an idea if anyone else has used these plugins to do something like this?


      Hi Mark,
      The short answer is yes. For example, varsitysportsnetwork.com, miaasports.net, summitcitysports.com. It sounds like van is closest to what you want to do.

      As far as HOW to best do it, it depends on what data you want to show and how you want to organize it. Rosters? Schedules? Standings? Archives over multiple years? League pages? Team pages? School pages? Sport pages? Conference pages? Organized by gender? Sport? Region?

      Right now, VSN is hand tailoring each page with its own menus, layout, shortcodes, etc. A lot of repetitive data has to be entered for each and every team, like logos, colors, etc. SCS is taking a different approach. Their pages will be templates that are automatically populated with menus, shortcodes, etc. This is in development and the plugins are being modified to support this “framework”. So if this jnterexts you, there is still time to get on board.

      Finally, for this size site I strongly recommend mastering the CSV import functions for teams, games, and venues.



      Thanks Mark for that… I think I have a little data research to do. But it looks like this will work for me.


        Cool. Good luck.


        I ran into this while editing a team in League Manager. It will not allow me to add the permalink. It keeps the number(/lm-team/34/) instead of (/lm-team/midland-valley-high-school/) The Permalink works on one team only and not others.

        Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘MSTW_TR_TEAM_TAX_ADMIN’ does not have a method ‘add_team_metaboxes’ in /home/csraspor/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 286


          Hey Mark,
          1. I believe that you can change the permalink BEFORE you save the team, but you can’t change it AFTER the team has been saved (edit it). The reason is a bit complicated.

          2. I have not see that one, and I’m not sure what’s with that. sounds scary, but warnings are just that, warnings. It could be an initialization issue, i.e., it will happen once the first time. Can you post a screenshot of your admin page? (You can’t attach it here, you have to save it somewhere, like the media library on your site, and add the link here.) And I’ll check on my dev boxes.



          1) I just tested that… interesting. As soon as you enter the title (A Team Name) in the field and tab out of it or select something else on the page, the permalink(a-team-name)is created. It’s created without clicking the publish button. So on exit of the Title Field creates a draft post(Team) which triggers the auto permalink. I can see how it would be complicated to figure that out. So you better make sure you have the name right before you exit out of the Title Field, or you will deleting a lot of teams.

          2) That error shows up only on the team add/edit screen. It does not go away after a team has been published.
          Screenshot added…Screenshot of Team Add/Edit


          FYI… I attempted to create the same scenario while adding a general wordpress post and a MSTW Coach. Both acted the same way by creating a permalink as soon as you exited the title field. However, I was able to edit the permalinks after publishing a new post and after I published a new coach.

          • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Mark Stone.

            1. You are correct, the permalink is created when you leave the title field. However, I believe you are able to edit the permalink until you publish the team. Yes, you are well-served to have your permalinks squared away before publishing.

            2. Thanks, for the screenshot. The code that generated that warning (not an error, BTW) is dead code that has been removed from the trunk, awaiting the next release. You can either comment that line, or load the file from the plugin’s trunk on wordpress.org, or I can send you the file.

            3. Yup, not all the MSTW CPTs behave this way. As I hinted at before, the team CPT in Team Rosters is a bit janky in this regard. It’s on the list for the next release. The two guys who were most affected by this both load their teams from CSV files, so they simply deleted them and re-imported them. Sorry I don’t have the time to make this better at the moment.

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