I have went in and added schedules, teams, venues, and started everyone with a record of 0-0.
This is the code I am using
[mstw_league_standings league=Baseball-baseball season=2018-2018]
[mstw_league_schedule_table league=Baseball-baseball season=2018-2018]
My site is msacwv.com/baseball
Is my code correct?
I am using a Mac and working with the plug in within my WordPress website.
You are doing great. The league argument in all shortcodes is the league SLUG (or permalink). Slugs are always all lower case with hyphens. So if your league name is ‘Baseball Spring 2018′ , the slug will be “baseball-spring-2018’. (You can find the league slugs on the Leagues admin screen.) In your case, ‘Baseball-baseball’ should probably be ‘baseball-baseball’.
See if that helps.