Scoreboard result display

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  • #3189

    Hi again,
    Display is so screwed, please take a look at:

    and tell me how to fix it please


      Hey Real,
      Just a plugin-theme issue. Edit css/mstw-ss-styles.css. Find the selector:

      h4.sbg-date-header, .sbg-date-header {

      and add the rule:

      clear: both;

      Let me know.


      Hi Mark,

      First thank you for the clear both; line to add.
      You can take a look at display now,
      It is nice looking but I sure would prefer 2 columns for perfection, but I wont say anything for now because I’m happy with it so far.

      But look at the ticker again please, I edit and reduce name, remove shorcodes after and still the arrow dont work.

      here is the ticker widget codes: [mstw_scoreboard sb=basket_masc_esmc_d3 format=ticker]


        Hey Real,
        First, you are not going to get two columns unless and until you have two games on the same date. Each date starts a new header for the games on that date. (The display in the link you sent is still messed up, but the clear: both; rule fixes it.

        The ticker appears to be working now. What are you expecting? It is moving, but because you are showing 7 games and have 10 in the ticker, it jumps from one end to the other each click. It does NOT move one game on each click; it moves an entire frame width (7 games in this case). Try showing only 3 games (the default) and you can see what happens more clearly.



        Good morning Mark,

        You must think I’m a real newbie opr idiot, but after your last reply, I did some other little test and I finally found out and noticed, that my ticker arrow doesnt work with Chrome.

        It is working great with IE and Mozilla Firefox. But not with Chrome.

        Any ideay why ? I clear cache, history…




        Also, what is the code to add for showing 3 or 4 games only at a time in ticker please ?
        I tried to add games_to_show=3] but it didnt work.

        [mstw_scoreboard sb=basket_masc_esmc_d3 format=ticker games_to_show=3]

        • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by djfritos.

          First, the ticker works fine in Chrome. I do most of my development in Chrome. I’m not quite sure what’s happening on your site. Try this page in Chrome and see if it works. (It did for me just now.)

          Your right, games_to_show works with sliders, but not with tickers. My bad. (I should add something like that in the next release.) For tickers, you need to play with the stylesheet ( /css/mstw-ss-styles.css). Look for this rule:

          div.sbt-schedule-container {
          	width: 541px; /*8 games displayed (8*62 + 35)*/
          	height: 100px;
          	border: none;

          As hinted at in the comment, you can play with the width to get different numbers of games to display.



          Hello Mark,


          When I changed some parameters in css, My arrows are now working in Chrome.

          But, Is there a way in ticker to add in shortcodes, a first and last date to display like in scoreboard ?

          If so, how ?



            Nope. You have to do it by adjusting the size of the ticker itself (via css). Maybe next release.

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