Known Bugs

Please report any bugs via the WordPress support forums or the MSTW Gold Support forums.

  1. Scoreboard filter on All Games admin page doesn’t work. This is due to a conflict with the MSTW Coaching Staffs plugin. The problem in that plugin has been corrected, and is available in the Coaching Staffs development version, which may be found at>coaching staffs plugin->developers. (Download here.) This fix will be part of the next release of the Coaching Staffs plugin.
  2. A fatal error occurs when activating the plugin, which is due to a conflict with the MSTW Coaching Staffs plugin.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mstw_build_css_rule()

    This error can be fixed by simply deactivating the Coaching Staffs plugin, activating the Schedules & Scoreboards plugin, then re-activating the Coaching Staffs plugin. It will be corrected in the next release of Coaching Staffs.

  3. The “Invalid referrer” message when deleting a game, team, venue, or schedule was corrected in version 1.2.