New Releases of League Manager & LM Addons

MSTW League Manager 2.2 and MSTW League Manager Add-ons 2.2 are now available on (League Manager) and the MSTW Store (LM Addons).

The MSTW League Manager Add-ons are designed for websites that use MSTW League Manager to maintain multiple league schedules, and large numbers of teams and games. MSTW League Manager 2.2 has been enhanced to better support the features of the LM Addons for large sites, but it will run just as before without the add-ons.

NEW in Version 2.2

  • The School (or organization) database allows Teams to be assigned to schools. Any missing team data – names, mascots, logos, etc. – is inherited from the teams’s school. This greatly reduces the data entry requirements when teams are moved forward to new years/seasons.
  • The Sport database allows Sports to be assigned to Schools. This association may then be used in page templates, which can greatly reduce the number of pages and their maintenance for websites with large numbers of leagues, schools, and teams.
  • Rosters from the MSTW Team Rosters plugin can be linked to a team. (Version 4.1.3 of Team Rosters is required to support this feature.)
  • Changed a ‘design decision’ that prevented more than 300 games from displaying properly in sliders and tickers.
  • A media icon (with link to a media file or website) can be displayed on schedule sliders, tickers, galleries, and scoreboards.
  • The display in the Media column in schedule tables when no media link is found now defaults to a blank (rather than “No media found.”), which allows the column to be ‘re-purposed’ more flexibly.
  • Added filters provide control over the message displayed when no media is found and when no location is found.

In addition, a SCHOOL Scoreboard shortcode has been added to the existing LM Add-ons shortcodes for TEAM sliders, SCHOOL sliders, SPORT sliders, and LEAGUE Scoreboards. TEAM, SCHOOL, and SPORT tickers and a SPORT scoreboard are on the drawing board for a future releases, which will be included as part of the plugin’s support. Read more about these features in the MSTW Store and on the MSTW League Manager Add-ons man pages.