Schedule Slider Height

The schedule slider format may be controlled via the plugin’s Settings admin screen and via custom stylesheets. The biggest issue that arises “in the wild” is controlling the slider height. The default height (in /css/mstw-ss-styles.css) is 250px, which seems to work for many sites. However, the choices for the slider’s content – opponent icon, opponent name and format, game location and format, (media) links – can stretch the content from around 130 pixels to 300 pixels high. Unfortunately, I cannot adjust the slider height automatically for these choices due to some technical issues. (If someone can tell me how to do so, I am all ears, and there is a reward!)

So you may have to customize your slider(s) height in mstw-ss-custom-styles.css in your theme/child theme main directory. Here’s all you need to do:

.schedule-slider {
    height: 300px;  /* the height your site needs */

.ss-slider .content {
    height: 300px;  /* the height your site needs */

If you wish to change the height for a particular schedule slider, use the HTML tags with the schedule slug(s) in them:

.schedule-slider_your-schedule-slug {
    height: 300px;

.ss-slider .content_your-schedule-slug {
    height: 300px;