League Manager & Add-ons 2.6 Released

Versions 2.6 of both the MSTW League Manager and the MSTW League Manager Add-ons plugins have been released. There are three main enhancements:

  • Added support for BYEs (or open dates). BYE games can now be created in Add Games and Manage Games screens, and then displayed in the shortcodes. This will support a much improved display of brackets with an “odd number of teams” in next release of MSTW Bracket Builder. Read more here.
  • Added the option to link game time/result to a media URL in the Settings screen, schedules tab. If there is a media link for a game, the link will be added and a media icon will be displayed in the time/result field AND YouTube links will be automatically embedded in the single game page content. Read more here.
  • Added a new multi-team schedule shortcode

    Either a teams, team, or league argument must be passed to the mstw_multi_team_schedule shortcode.

    , which behaves much like the multi-league standings and schedules shortcodes.
A number of minor bug fixes and JavaScript upgrades are also included.

There were no major upgrades to the MSTW League Manager Add-ons, it was simply updated to support the changes in MSTW League Manager, for example, support for BYEs in its plugins.

MSTW League Manager update should come up on your admin Dashboard -> Plugins. If you have purchased the add-ons, you should be able to access the update using the same link you received originally. If not, just let me know.