League Manager version 1.4 has been released. Here’s a summary of the major enhancements in version 1.4:
- Multi-Standings Shortcode. This shortcode supports the display of multiple league standings tables via a dropdown list of selected leagues at the top of the standings table.
- Last & Next Game Columns. The next game and/or the last game for each team can now be displayed in league schedule tables.
- Schedule Ticker Shortcode. Tickers are intended for the top of home pages as quick views of recent games. The range of dates can be controlled by the date arguments described below.
- Schedule Slider Shortcode. Sliders are larger views of league schedules with more information than tickers. The range of dates can be controlled by the date arguments described below.
- New Date & Time Controls. Schedule shortcode displays can be controlled by several arguments for game date ranges including: start date (“now” continually changes the date & time), a fixed end date, a number of days into the future, or an interval (days) around the start date.
A number of smaller upgrades and bug fixes are also in this build.
Several tutorials on the new features will be available soon for Gold Support Members.