

  1. Go to the Plugins->Installed plugins page in WordPress Admin.
  2. Click on Add New.
  3. Search for Game Locations.
  4. Click Install Now.
  5. Activate the plugin.
  6. Use the new Games menu to create and manage your schedules.

The MANUAL way:

  1. Copy the entire /mstw-game-locations/ directory into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Enter your locations.
  4. Place the shortcode [mstw_gl_table] on the page(s) where you want the locations table to appear. (Be sure to use the editor’s HTML tab, not the Visual tab.)

Upgrading to this version of Game Locations should not impact any existing locations, however move any customizations made to the plugin stylesheet, because IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. (Always backup your WP database before you upgrade, just in case. 🙂

Coaching Staffs Plugin Overview

This plugin is designed to handle some challenges unique to high school coaching staffs, where coaches often coach two (or more) teams in different roles. For example, one coach can be the Head Coach of the Junior Varsity team and the Offensive Line coach for the Varsity team. That coach can be shown as the first coach on the JV staff and somewhere lower on the Varsity staff listings. Here’s how to do it:

Coaching Staff Table View

[mstw-cs-table staff=varsity-football show_alma_mater=1 show_photos=1 show_experience=1 show_position=1]

  1. Begin by adding the Coaches using the Coaching Staffs -> All Coaches -> Add New Coach admin page.
  2. Next add the Coaching Staffs, using the Coaching Staffs -> Staffs admin page.
  3. Finally add the Staff Positions, using the Coach Staffs -> All Staff Positions -> Add New Staff Position admin page.

It is important that you enter/add data in this order because the coach and staff must be entered before they can be associated with a staff position.

Want to create a gallery view like the one below? Read how.

Coaches Gallery