Change Log


  • The major purpose of this release was to remove the each() construct because it has been removed from PHP 8.0.
  • Location text is now saved and used when a location from the LM venues DB is not used.
  • Added ‘-‘ versions of shortcodes; i.e.,

    No TOURNAMENT specified in shortcode.


    No TOURNAMENT specified in shortcode.

    both work.
  • Some improvements to the admin screens.
  • Cleaned up several other of minor bugs.


  • Corrected a few bugs and “admin annoyances”.
  • Updated the documentation, including the Quick Start and FAQ pages to address some frequent problems encountered by users.
  • Added two video tutorials – Common Problems and Create Team


  • Extensive work done in the plugin’s default stylesheet (/css/mstw-bb-styles.css). The tournament brackets display beautifully in my development theme (a WP Twentyeleven child theme). See Some CSS work may be required for your theme. The primary driver is the width of the bracket’s containing element. It should be at least 750 pixels wide for basic single elim brackets and 900 pixels wide for double elimination brackets with consolation games.
  • Fixed bug that displayed -1 in the League column of tournaments table on the Tournaments screen when no league has been selected.
  • Fixed bug that displayed -1 as the team name when no games had been entered (updated) on the Update Games screen.
  • Updated the users manual. Check it out at


  • Initial release.