MSTW Team Rosters Plugin Users Manual
Team Rosters Plugin Overview & Quick Start Guide
The MSTW Team Rosters plugin manages team rosters and their players, supporting unlimited players and teams, and four views of the rosters. Continue reading
Add Players To Rosters
The Add Players screen shown in the following screenshot allows the admin to add players to a team in blocks of twenty. However, there are a couple of limitations, Continue reading
Change Log
A list of plugin versions and the changes in each. Continue reading
CSV File Format
The CSV file formats are simple, but formatting errors are the source of most import problems. I suggest you start by downloading the sample files. Continue reading
CSV File Import
Team rosters can be loaded from files in CSV format. This allows admins to load their team roster(s) from an Excel spreadsheet, which is often used to create printed rosters. Continue reading
CSV Sample Files
I use the following CSV files to test the CSV function. Almost all CSV issues in the support forums have turned out to be file format issues. Continue reading
Customizing the Team Rosters Plugin
Team Rosters provides a robust capability to customize the plugin's displays - roster tables, player galleries, and player profiles. The four ways to customize the plugin are described below. Continue reading
Edit Rosters
The Edit Rosters screen shown in the following screenshot allows the admin to quickly edit a team roster in blocks of twenty players. Continue reading
Frequently Asked Questions
Some questions (and the answers) about the plugin that have come up a number of times in the support forums. Continue reading
The plugin can be installed and updated in the standard WordPress ways. Continue reading
Manage Players
Two admin screens support player data entry: (All) Players and Add/Add Player. Each screen is described below. Continue reading
MSTW Roles & Capabilities
The MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards and Team Rosters plugins create a number of custom WordPress capabilities, and assign them across three custom WordPress user roles - Continue reading
Player Gallery & Single Player Profile Pages
Historically, these pages have proven to be the hardest for plugin users to get working properly. Careful attention to this page, the Installation page, the Usage Notes page, and the WordPress Support Forums should help you out. Continue reading
The default settings and colors for the shortcode displays and pages are controlled on this page. Continue reading
Settings – Player Profiles & Galleries
More settings unique to the Single Player Bio pages and Player Gallery pages are provided here. Generally speaking, these pages share the same color scheme. Continue reading
Settings – Roster Table Colors
These settings control of colors in the roster tables [mstw-tr-roster] and roster tables 2 [mstw-tr-roster-2]. They will override the default/generic settings in the plugin's stylesheet Continue reading
Settings – Roster Table Fields & Columns
These controls allow customization of roster displays by displaying or hiding data fields (columns), and changing the labels of data fields (columns). Continue reading
Settings – Roster Tables
The Roster Table tab provides a collection of settings not covered by the Data Fields & Columns tab and the Roster Table Colors tab. Two settings are worthy of some discussion: Continue reading
Coming soon!
The Manage Teams screen serves two purposes: it lists all the existing teams, and it allows teams to be added or editted. Continue reading
Upgrading to Version 4.0
Upgrading MSTW Team Rosters to version 4.0 from an earlier version is not as simple as pushing the WordPress upgrade plugin button, but it's not hard if you follow the steps listed below. Continue reading
Usage Notes
I recommend that, after reading these fine manual pages, you use the test pages on as guides to compare what works with what doesn't. Many good shortcode examples are there. Continue reading
Why a Child Theme?
Three paragraphs for WordPress newbies on why you ALWAYS want to use a child theme. Continue reading