Both the free and premium versions of the MSTW Bracket Builder have been updated. The free version is available on, and the premium version is available on (If you have purchased the premium version, you should be able to download the new version using the link you were e-mailed.) 
Both updates address a number of issues with the layout of the bracket view (shortcode), and a couple of bug fixes on the admin side. The bracket layouts are now close to “pixel perfect” as you can see on the MSTW Dev site. The change logs provide more detail.
What are the differences between the free and the premium versions? You can read the details on this site, but in a nutshell, the premium version adds:
- Support for double elimination tournaments.
- Add team logos, customize display of team and venue names, links to team sites, links to Google maps, links to venue websites, and more via a teams database that can be shared with the MSTW League Manager plugin now, and with the entire MSTW family of plugins soon.)

- Schedule the 1st round by established seedings (1v8, 2v7, etc), or with user-defined game pairings.
- Automatically handle of “BYEs” (free pass to next round).
- Automatically advance winners – winner is advanced to next round when game goes final (as well as first-time losers for double elimination brackets).
- Specify and display home teams (very important for some sports, or just identify who is wearing white).
Thanks to those of you who have helped me improve both plugins by bringing problems to my attention. As always, please contact me through the user support forums with any questions, problems, issues, or improvement suggestions.