What’s Next? … MSTW League Manager

Team Rosters 4.1 has been released and the smoke has cleared (4.1.2). Up next are some needed upgrades to MSTW League Manager in time for football season. Planned enhancements include:

  • Automatic Standings Update. There have been numerous requests for this feature. Standings are updated when game scores are marked ‘final’ on the Manage Games or Update Games screen. So you may not have to update the League Standings, just the games. Standings can still be edited for those who may not track games and scores.
  • Update Games Screen Pagination. If a league has too many games, then the Update Games screen has too many data fields, and limitations built into WordPress prevent updates to the games on this screen. (They can be updated via the Manage Games screen.) Paginating the Update Games screen fixes this problem.
  • Improve the Schedule Slider(s). Make some cosmetic fixes and (hopefully, no promises) improve responsiveness. If you are having problems with the sliders on small screens, you might want to try the WP Mobile Detect plugin. One user has reported good results with it.
  • Add Colors to Team Data. This will allow some easy (no CSS) branding of front end displays with team colors. It will also increase integration of the MSTW plugins. For example, Team Rosters can use teams in the League Manager database.
  • Documentation & Help. Add Context Sensitive Help to all admin screens and update the users manual.

What else would you like to see in MSTW League Manager? Let me know as soon as possible since I’m starting this work soon.