BB: Common Problems with Bracket Builder

This tutorial walks through the common questions that arise with the MSTW Bracket Builder (Premium Version) plugin.

Caveats & Common Errors

  1. There are two important buttons on the UPDATE GAMES admin screen. Update Tournament Table at the top of the screen simply updates the data on the admin screen based on the tournament selected in the combo box. It does NOT save, update, or change the database! The Update Games at the bottom of the screen DOES save the data on the screen to the database.
  2. If you get a message that looks like this, check your tournament SLUG (not TITLE). You haven’t created (and saved) a tournament with that slug (a-new-test) in this case.
  3. If you get a message that looks like this, you haven’t updated the tournament games on the Update Games screen. You must click the Update Games button at the bottom of the table. See 1 above.
  4. Yes, you can enter the teams manually (on the Update Games screen. But then you will have to enter them manually for each round based on the winners. More likely, you can enter something like “Group A Winner”, “Group B Winner”, etc for the first round, then go back and enter teams (from the database) once the group winners are known.

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