New in version 4.0 is the ability for developers to control admin user access to the plugin’s admin menus via a WordPress Filter. The default capability is ‘edit_others_posts’, a capability of Editors, Admins, and Super Admins. Only those roles can access the plugin’s admin menus by default. To change that capability, in your functions.php file (or wherever) add a hook to the mstw_gs_user_capability filter as follows:
add_filter( ‘mstw_gs_user_capability’, ‘my_user_capability_callback’, 10, 2 );
where 10 is the priority of the filter call to my_user_capability_callback and 2 is the number of arguments the callback will receive (see below). PLEASE DO NOT SET THE PRIORITY HIGHER THAN 10, which is the default. That is, use 10 and above, 1-9 are reserved for the MSTW Framework and your code may produce unexpected results if you use them.
Your callback will look something like this:
function my_user_capability_callback( $capability, $filter4 ) { // Only allow the admin role to access the display settings menu if ( $filter4 == 'display_settings_menu_item' ) return 'manage_options'; // For everything else, just pass the $capability back unchanged else return $capability; }
The ‘filter for’ values for the `mstw_gs_user_capability` hook (as of version 4.0 ) are:
– called before registering the games, schedules, and teams custom post typesdisplay_settings_menu_item
– called before displaying the Display Settings submenucsv_import_menu_item
– called before displaying the CSV Import submenu
controls the display of the entire MSTW Game Schedules menu and all submenus. display_settings_menu_item
controls the display of the Display Settings submenu, and csv_import_menu_item
controls the display of the CSV Import submenu.