Game Locations 1.2 Released

MSTW Game Locations version 1.2 is now available on Why am I working on Game Locations when Game Schedules has some issues? (Read more about them in this blog post.) Well, for two reasons:

  1. Game Schedules 4.0 integrates teams, locations, games, and schedules. So in developing and testing this plugin, I was working with Game Locations quite a bit. In fact, I was back in it to fix a bug with the game locations in Game Schedules plugin (thanks, Jay).
  2. In suppressing the WordPress Notices and Warnings, had to start with a clean install, and I decided to start with Game Locations because it is much simpler. During that process, a user (thanks, Anders) identified some problems with the internationalization capabilities of Game Locations.

So what is new in version 1.2 of MSTW Game Locations?

  • Completed internationalized the admin pages. The default .po and .mo files have been updated and are in the /lang directory (and are currently being tested with a German translation.
  • A new “Venue URL” data field was added. It provides a link the the location/venue’s web page, NOT MAP, from the venue name, NOT MAP ICON, in the shortcode table.
  • Added the (now standard) display settings to show/hide table columns and related columns/data fields.
  • Map marker color was changed to support only the basic 8 Google Map marker colors. (Don’t ask, just live with it.)
  • Many tweaks were made to suppress PHP Notices & Warnings.