Lots of clean-up intended to suppress PHP Notices and Warnings plus bug fixes: * Problem with Schedule slider at the end of a season * Problem with Schedule DB entries, Team selection from Teams DB being ignored * Problem with Game entries, Location selection from Locations Plugin DB being ignored * Problem with table and slider opponent name formats being mixed up (cut and paste error)
Another MAJOR UPGRADE with significant new functionality requested by users including:
- Added a new shortcode, [mstw_gs_slider], which displays a schedule slider
- Added the ability to show team logos on schedule sliders and tables. Created two new CDT’s – Teams and Schedules – to support this capability
- Integrated Game Locations into the new Teams CDT
- Added the ability to display the next N games in a schedule to the [mstw_gs_table] shortcode and the widget (by setting the first date-time to ‘now’
- Re-organized (expanded) Display Settings into a tabbed admin screen
- Added the ability to show/hide data fields and custom data field labels so they can be re-purposed
- Admin screens now display any customized data field labels, rather than the defaults
- Added the ability to specify custom formats for dates and times (based on standard php date() format strings).
- Added javascript colorpicker controls to display settings admin screens
- Added the ability to sort the “All Games” admin table by Schedule ID
- Removed the Edit option from the Bulk Edit actions. Bulk delete remains available
- Added a javascript datepicker control to simplify game date entry
- Added a filter (mstw_gs_user_capability) that allows developers to better control admin access to the plugin’s admin menu items
- Completed internationalization of admin screens
- Completely re-factored the code for both the front and back ends
A MAJOR upgrade adding significant functionality requested by users:
- Several admin settings pages were added.
- The weight column can now be hidden by an argument in the [shortcode] or by an admin setting.
- The number of games displayed in a schedule ([shortcode] or widget can now be set.
- A date range can now be set for the games displayed in a schdule [shortcode] or widget can now be set.
- The plugin is now integrated with the Game Locations plugin. Game locations can be entered to game schedules from a pulldown list of locations in the Game Locations plugin. A link to the location in Google Maps is automatically added.
- Changed the current time to get the WORDPRESS time instead of the SERVER time as was the case previously.
- Changed the actual countdown time (time to next game) construction due to some ‘anomalies’ with the previous version.
- Fixed a bug prevented “TBD dates” from displaying properly (and producing php warnings in some cases).
- Added a Spanish translation. Thanks to Roberto in Madrid.
- Fixed a bug (related to translation) that was causing dates to drift a month off in the shortcode table display.
- Changed date() to mstw_date_loc() – forgot a column in the shortcode.
- Added $mstw_gs_time_format to support changing the date format on the schedule table [shortcode].
- Updated the Croatian translation.
- Added the option for a link from a game’s location field (displayed in the shortcode table and the countdown widget) to a specified URL.
- Corrected a typo that make the new links on opponent entries not work in every scenario.
- Fixed several bugs in the stylesheet and how it loads (enqueues).
- * Schedules can now go across multiple years. Schedules are now identified only by the ID, instead of ID and year (as in previous versions). The year field is now simply a part of the game date.
- Added internationalization for the user interface only, not the admin pages. Provided a default .po file in the /lang directory for any would be translators out there, and a Croatian translation (in the mstw-loc-domain-hr_HR.po file).
- Added a setting to countdown timer widget and an argument to the countdown timer shortcode that tells the countdown timer to use home games only.
- Added team links. You can specify a URL for each game. The schedule table shortcode (not widget) will add a link to the specified URL on the opponent name.
- Removed the “current time” field in the widget and argument in the shortcode. This was used only for testing and is not really needed. (There are other ways to test.)
- Removed Quick Edit link from the editor. (It broke things and was unnecessary.)
- Expanded the media URL input fields to maxlength 255. (Some media outlets have long URLs.)
- Corrected bug so that multiple schedules (shortcodes) can be now displayed on one page.
- Added a custom header for wordpress.org
- Initial release.