Display Settings – Data Fields & Columns

The Display Settings Data Fields & Columns tab allows the admin to control the visibility, labeling, and formats of data fields and their labels/titles. The following paragraphs describe the controls offered in the Display Settings Date & Time Format tab shown below.

Display Settings - Data Fields

Data Field and Table Column Settings

These settings allow the admin to customize the display of schedule tables and ‘re-purpose’ data fields by changing their labels. Some fields cannot be re-purposed due to their formats; for example, dates and times, which are not stored as strings. The only field/column that must be displayed is Opponent; so there is no option to show/hide it. For the Media column, you can show one, two, or three links to related information – pre- and post-game news stories, statistics, standings, or whatever. The default values are shown below.

MSTW Team Database Settings

These settings provide control of the schedule table and slider displays – the opponent name and game location formats, the display of team logos, and the link from the location. They are self explanatory. The default values are shown below.

Save & Reset Buttons

The Save button saves only the settings on this tab. The Reset button resets the settings to the values shown below WITHOUT FURTHER WARNING.

Default Settings

The default settings for the Data Fields and Columns are listed below.

//default schedule table shortcode arguments
'sched' => 1, // This is used for cdt & slider shortcodes too
'first_dtg' => '1970:01:01 00:00:00', // first php dtg
'last_dtg' => '2038:01:19 00:00:00', // last php dtg (roughly)
'games_to_show' => -1,

//default cdt shortcode arguments
'cd_title' => __( 'Countdown', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),
'home_only' => 0,
'intro' => __( 'Time to kickoff', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),

//default slider shortcode arguments
'title' => 'Schedule',
'link_label' => '',
'link' =>'',

//show/hide date fields and default labels
'show_date' => 1,
'date_label' => __( 'Date', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),
'opponent_label' => __( 'Opponent', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),
'show_location' => 1,
'location_label' => __( 'Location', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),
'show_time' => 1,
'time_label' => __( 'Time/Result', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),
'show_media' => 3,
'media_label' => __( 'Media Links', 'mstw-loc-domain' ),
'table_opponent_format' => 'full-name',
'slider_opponent_format' => 'full-name',
'show_table_logos' => 'name-only', //Hide Logos
'show_slider_logos' => 'name-only', //Hide Logos
'venue_format' => 'city-name-state', //Show (location) name only
'venue_link_format' => 'no-link', //No Link