On The Horizon: Game Schedules 5.0 & Live Game Updates

So what’s been going on with the MSTW framework this summer? Glad you asked. I’ve been preoccupied teaching a summer session JavaScript class, but in my copious spare time, I’ve been working with a Gold Support member and long time MSTW user on MSTW Live Game Updates. This new plugin will allow “a reporter” at a game to post updates via a cell phone or other mobile device and have them appear on a “scoreboard” on a website, which will update dynamically WITHOUT requiring a page reload. I plan to have it in Beta test during this football season, and (perhaps) have it ready to release for basketball season. I’d love to hear from any of you who are interested in this concept.

The MSTW Live Game Updates plugin will require MSTW Game Schedules to be active in order to be activated and to function. So work on the new plugin has highlighted some needed changes to Game Schedules. Four key upgrades are planned:

  • Better integration of MSTW League Standings and Team Rosters, and Coaching Staffs plugins. There will only one Teams DB, which will allow rosters and coaching staffs to be linked to teams, and teams to be assigned to leagues. The various displays can also be updated to use other team data such as logos.
  • Introduction of a scoreboard feature, which will provide a means to display the results of completed games. It seems that as many users are using game schedules for completed games as are using the plugin for future games.)
  • Custom WP Roles and Capabilities will allow site admins to restrict MSTW users to MSTW Admin functions (all plugins), admin functions for a specific plugin, admin functions for a specific team or schedule. The concept is that you will be able to better control user access to the MSTW plugins and configure their WP Dashboard so they only see the functions they need to use.
  • Updated CSV Import function that will better support the new schedules->teams->locations->teams data entry. A CSV Export function is also under consideration.

This post/e-mail is also an open request for comments on the upgrades listed above (any “must haves”?), and a data call for other features/upgrades of interest. Now’s the time to bring it on!