Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get an ugly (fatal) error when I activate Game Schedules after activating CSV Exporter?
Given the plugin’s current purpose, it makes sense that Game Schedules will be installed and activated before CSV Exporter is installed and activated . There is an easy workaround. Simply deactivate both plugins (you don’t need to uninstall them), activate Game Schedules first, and then activate MSTW CSV Exporter.

Can the CSV files created by MSTW CSV Exporter be imported into the old Game Schedules or Game Locations plugins?
No. The file formats (data fields) are only recognized by the MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards plugin.

Can the CSV files created by MSTW CSV Exporter be imported into the Team Rosters (v 3.1.2) plugin?
No. The file formats (data fields) are only recognized by the MSTW Team Rosters (v 4.0) plugin.

Where are the CSV file formats defined?
The file formats are available in the MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards /csv-examples folder, and in the MSTW Team Rosters /csv-examples folder. All data field (column) names are be included in those examples. For more information on the file formats see the MSTW Team Rosters CSV file format and the MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards CSV file format man pages.

Can I create my own CSV file for import into MSTW Schedules & Scoreboards or MSTW Team Rosters (v 4.0)?
Sure. You can load one of the sample files into a CSV editor (Excel is the most common), and replace the data lines with your own list of venues, teams, schedules, or games. NOTE: Lines are delimited by <CR>, the standard PC format. Mac users should be aware that the Mac uses <CR><LF> to indicate the end of a line, WHICH WILL BREAK THE IMPORT. Save any CSV file in CSV (Comma delimited) or CSV (MS DOS) format.

I created a CSV file (PC format) but all my dates/times are messed up?
You are likely using an Excel date/time format when building your CSV file. These formats will not save correctly to CSV. (Notice how Excel warns you about losing formats when saving to CSV? This is one example.) Set your date/time column format to TEXT and you should be good to go.

Why am I getting a “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message?
You must be have the 'manage_options' capability to use this plugin. The Administrator role has this capability by default.

Is this plugin ready for translation?
Yes. The domain is ‘mstw-csv-exporter‘. The default .pot file, mstw-csv-exporter-en_US.pot, is in the plugin’s /lang directory.